
Showing posts from January, 2021

Nothing is truly lost - Or is it?

Black hole information paradox: Paradoxes have always been intriguing  and  frustrating  enough  to keep scientists  and  engineers up  for  days and  nights. They  are the kind  of puzzles that you  can’t help  but dive into, knowing  you are  going  to drown.  It  takes  an  intellectual journey  to solve it  and  doing  so  will definitely  be satisfying.  But here’s the catch: the solution  that you seem  to  arrive  at established into  today . And will challenge what  you this particular paradox know and what is already that we  are  going  to delve is a notch  above the rest for  those holes. My  dear space enthusiasts who  study,  I introduce to you "The Black hole information paradox" Before getting into the paradox, let’s see some basic topics that we need to know to fully grasp what it talks about. With that said, let me ask you a few questions: What are we made of? What are the things that are around you made of? Think about it before reading the next line. Did y

Falcon 9: A Rocket for the 21st Century

 Spaceflight in 21st Century   Much has changed in the spaceflight industry for the past few decades. During the space race, only governments (with the aid of contractors) were able to build and launch rockets. It took time and efforts just to get them working. It’s worth noting that more than the successes we saw, there were failures. But with the entry of private players, we have seen much changes in both the objectives and the demands of the industry, primarily being cost. The goals have changed from ‘Launching a rocket successfully’ to ‘Launching a rocket successfully at the minimum possible cost’. Moreover, the horizons have expanded. From just landing and returning from the moon to establishing permanent colonies. Access to space by private enterprises has opened new doors to commercialize activities, be it satellite launches, asteroid mining, transport of men and materials to other worlds. The customers to utilize these services have also changed. First it was mostly governments