Before learning about modern-day astronomy, let us understand ancient astronomy in ways our ancestors wanted to teach us. They had a vast knowledge on astronomy in comparison to what knowledge we have today.

          Our ancestors used the concept of astronomy while sculpturing idols of God's and Goddesses. They hid the Unified Theory of Cosmos, that our modern-day astronomers are struggling to formulate, behind these idols.

           In this article,we are going to witness some of the theories and terms that are hidden behind the famous idol of Nataraja,who is the avatar of Lord Shiva. In 2004, a Nataraja statue was placed in Centre for Research in Particle Physics (CERN) in Geneva, which has the world’s largest particle accelerator. It was gifted by the Indian government to the research centre on account of celebrating its long association with India. Carl Sagan compared the cosmic dance performed by Shiva with the modern study of the behaviour of subatomic particles. You may wonder how an idol can represent the cosmos and the atomic particles. It's actually not the idol itself.On further analysis, we can derive necessary equations based on the shape, positions and the posture of Nataraja. Scientists can combine these equations to define the cosmos and also the Unified Theory. The cosmic dance is purely related to the anti-matter research done at CERN. It has the creative and destructive power similar to the dance postures that symbolise the creation, preservation and destruction of the universe. It is also found that the movement of the Higgs Boson known as “Gods Particle” was the resemblance of the cosmic dance of Shiva, which astounded many scientists around the world.

          SCIENTISTS TAKE ON VEDAS OF INDIA: Now coming to the point, what fascinates us is that the Indian Vedic scriptures hold information about the whole universe which modern scientists have still not found out. The equation E=mC^2 created by Einstein in 1905 was found to be hidden inside this sculpture which was built around 10th century.The greatest minds of the 20th century from all over the world such as Nikola Tesla, Bohr, Heisenberg and Carl Sagan did agree to the fact that most of their findings or works are based on the Vedic texts of India. The findings in those texts are far more advanced than modern science. Fritjof Capra, a physicist, rightly said in his book “The Tao of Physics”- “For the modern physicists, then, Shiva’s dance is the dance of subatomic matter.”

           POSTURE OF NATARAJA: Thousands of years before the Nataraja, Shiva was portrayed as the cosmic dancer. Everything CERN and our modern scientists are trying to figure out about the subatomic particles and antimatter can be studied in his very rhythmic cosmic dance. It is believed that only by his dance the matter is formed. Let us understand the postures of Nataraja which depicts the formation of the Universe.

           The two forms of dance associated with Lord Shiva are Lasya and Tandav. The Lasya is associated with the creation of the universe while Tandav is related to destruction of the universe. The mass, space and time are enclosed within the cosmic ring of fire which is the outer ring of the Nataraja statue. The snake that is around Shiva's neck symbolizes the Past, Present and the Future. If one digs deeper , it may also reveal about time travel. The crescent moon on the top of his head symbolizes that one day the expanding universe will come to an end. Lord Shiva has four hands in which the upper right hand holds the Damaru which symbolizes the sound that originated during creation of universe, i.e. during the Big bang. The upper left hand has fire that symbolizes destruction of the universe. His lower right hand is lifted up in Abhaya Mudra, which is compared to the stability of the expanding universe. His upper lefthand holds fire, the symbol of destruction. His lower left hand is raised near his chest with his palms facing down. It symbolises the mastery of meditation and attainment of enlightenment, due to which he gets all the information from the universe. His right leg is placed on the demon named Apasmara, which signifies the end of ignorance.Lastly, the lines behind his head indirectly has details about the string theory, which is the Unified Theory of the Universe, but not yet proved completely. Scientists believe that knowing everything about the statue could complete the String Theory.

           CONCLUSION: The overall posture of Shiva in the statue symbolizes the movement of the electron inside the atom. The movement of electrons inside our body signifies the movement of the cosmos. According to Nataraja “Our cosmos and us are the same”. It also tells about the time travel, theory of relativity, string theory and so on, which is not even imaginable by many scientists. So, if we take a better look at statue and figure our the equations writted, we could find all the answers for the questions that have been raised about what happened after the Big Bang and what happened before that.



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